Why I'm here....

Since I've always been quick with an opinion an old friend once lost and again found suggested that perhaps I should share with more people my commentary. Never being one to pass on a challenge I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Picture From Summer...

I took this picture this past summer in the new exhibit at 'The Fort Wayne Children's Zoo'. I loved the way it looked and looking at it one can almost find themselves lost in one of those books where the fog starts to roll in and scary things start to happen. I love it just the same though. Maybe I'm a masochist I don't know, but I have always loved scary movies and scary books. Give me a good horror flick and someone to snuggle up to while I watch it any day. I guess horror flicks aren't for everyone and I can just as easily go for a good romance or drama movie. Looking at this photo though one can imagine all sorts of scenarios. If I were wealthy and had a large house I might even find this being the wall in one of my rooms, because I could sit for hours and get lost in the mystery of what might lie beyond the mist or happen there within it. I found myself wondering what other people think about when they look at photos or even artwork. I mean a good painting can actually take you to another place and time if you allow it to. Where would you imagine yourself in this photo? Under what circumstance?

1 comment:

ida said...

germany on a volksmarch. one early morning with a jacket on warming up to the full 5k. perhaps only a few blocks away from getting my paper stamped and getting a shot of something to warm my blood in early springtime. gotta love a volksmarch time to eat, drink and be merry!!! make a ton of new volksmarching friends.