Why I'm here....

Since I've always been quick with an opinion an old friend once lost and again found suggested that perhaps I should share with more people my commentary. Never being one to pass on a challenge I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Profound Statements Can Have a Profound Effect

Words can change your life.  This is why it was penned that words are sharper than swords.  People should be careful what and how they say things.  Small children for instance listen and try to absorb what they hear with all its meaning.  To tell a child it’s worthless is a hateful and heinous thing to do.  The child may take that into his or her very being and strive for very little in life.  (One should also take into consideration that children are listening at all times whether you think they are or not.)  Words said in anger to a spouse may throw the whole relationship into a stage where it cannot be repaired.  Very few people actually take the time to think about the way their words may affect someone else before speaking.  Our mouths and our voices are very powerful weapons upon which we require no permit to carry.   We do; however, require a responsibility to use them truthfully.  The profound way words have had an effect on my life have been on my mind a lot lately.  I think of the way I’ve changed through the years to a person who takes into consideration what a person may or may not be thinking, feeling or trying to convey before I react most of the time these days.  I used to would not have done that.  I would have lashed out if the words hurt.  A good friend, that I don’t see often enough, asked me one time why I was angry at someone I didn’t care about and that had no role in my life.  I remember letting those words he’d spoken sink in.  He followed it up with saying it was a waste of my emotions and time.   The more I pondered it the more I realized he was right.  I get upset at things people say and do, don’t get me wrong about that.  I just refuse to spend a lot of time or energy on it when in the long run it doesn’t matter.  I have a whole system I go through now in my mind.  I think to myself:  Did they mean it to be offensive?  Are they unaware or unintelligent enough for it to register it was hateful or wrong?  What is going on in their life at this point in time?  Are they really aiming those words at me, or are they just defensive?  Have I done something to offend them?  I also ask myself if I really care about this person or what they think?  Not only does it help me to look at what is going on in a different perspective, but it also allows me to cool off before I speak.  I mean by the time I’ve thought all that in my head I’m usually like who cares.  There are always exceptions to that.  I mean I am human and I am capable of being so tired I can’t stop it before I’ve said something stupid, but most of the time the method above keeps me from speaking out at someone in anger.  Now hurt someone I love and I will rip you a new one though.  It’s just the way It is.  Mean it or not if my nieces or nephew or my mom, dad, aunt, cousin, husband, etc. are crying or emotionally distraught over what you say I will be speaking with you and you will either be apologizing, out of my life or lying on the floor.  Words are weapons.  When you think of that it’s a wonder we don’t have to carry a permit to speak.  Now that I’ve said that I’m sure there is some politician or someone not so intelligent working on a way to do that right now.  Be careful what you say is all I’m telling you.  Remember the golden rule of do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  This also goes for Say unto others as you would have them say unto you.  I’ve had a lot of stupid things said to me lately.  One person in particular putting their two cents worth in on my wedding over and over.  Again I just look at it and say I don’t care.  I married the man of my dreams.  A man who treats me like a princess and whom I hope to spend the next 40 years or so with.  I’m happy.  My wedding no matter what did or did not go wrong was a happy and joyous day for me.  So to that person I will say nothing directly. I will merrily pray for them for peace and love in their life.  I will think of the things they do that make someone else in my life happy and remember they have very little to do with me in actuality.  So be careful what you say.  Be less about gossip and more about truth.  Be more about family and less about politics, money and position in life.  Give thanks to God and be what He wants you to be.  Give comfort to those that hurt and speak kind words when you can.  This is how we make America and the world great, after all profound statements can have a profound effect.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Death does not Discriminate...

Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another."
Ernest Hemingway”
No one knows the year, month, day, hour or minute of their own death.  God knows, but man does not.  It seems as of late there are so many people out there making that decision for other people.   We hear of more and more shootings here in our own city every day.  God will judge those who do this for it is not their right to take a life he’s given to be lived.  The one thing I have noticed about these deaths in recent news is there is no color, no race, no age that is targeted.  Death is equal in his choosing.  Even when not at another’s hand he is equal.  Young and old alike are called to take their last breath every single day.  When we are young we tend not to think about death that much unless it affects our immediate day or lives.  We think in our younger days that we will live forever and that thirty, forty, fifty and so forth are far off in our future and we need not worry about them.  The problem with that sort of thinking is we may never be lucky enough to live that old.  One needs to think about what if.  I mean no one should walk around dreading death.  God gave us our lives to glorify Him and to be happy and joyful.  He didn’t want us walking in dread.  That is the good news too… if we believe in Him and have faith in him we have the opportunity to live forever.  Isn’t that something most people look for?  Eternal life?  Immortality?
I do know that as of late I have been thinking more and more of how quickly life goes by and how fragile it really is.  I watch as my parents become weaker and closer to their time of end.  I can see them so vital in my mind.  It hasn’t been that long ago that they were active and strong and now they hardly do much of anything.  They seem to enjoy life even though they have their illnesses and I know faith runs strong in my mom and dad’s lives so they have God with them.  That is a personal relationship for each of them though and I hope they are at peace with their relationship with God.  I dread the day that God calls them home.  I’m not sure who I am or who I will be with them no longer here.  They have been there and been almost a daily part of my life for 51+ years.  I have a partner to help me when that time comes and I’m blessed with a brother that I love more than life who will be there for me.  God has blessed me with a niece and nephew from my brother and with two new nieces from my marriage and a sister-in-law I think the world of.  He’s given me a new set of parents in Jacobs mom and dad.  He has blessed me so much and I know I need to be grateful, but I dread the day I lay my mom and dad to rest.  Who knows what tomorrow holds though so I will just be happy to be with them when I can now.  I don’t get to spend a lot of time with them.  Seems like life is so busy, but I try to make the most of the time I do have.  Death is a good lesson for us all though.  Do you really have time to judge others?  Do you have time for hate and anger in your heart?  These are not the things our Lord and Savior would like us to have.  Be kind to one another.  Forgive.  You don’t have to have people in your life you can’t trust, but stop the hate.  If they’ve lied about you or hurt you in some way, forgive them and move on.  It’s not worth the precious time you have and it’s not what God would want for you.  Be happy and rejoice in the day you’re give for Death does not discriminate and he will not take time to see if you’ve gotten your affairs in order when he finds your name on his list.