Why I'm here....

Since I've always been quick with an opinion an old friend once lost and again found suggested that perhaps I should share with more people my commentary. Never being one to pass on a challenge I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Conquering The Fear Within...

If you read my blog regularly then you all ready know that I suffer from a phobia. This type of phobia is known as Pagophobia. It is an extreme or irrational fear of ice or frost. Usually the person suffering from it fears hurting themselves on it. I have suffered from it since the early nineties and have worked on it with doctors and through my own meditations. So Indiana isn't the best place in the world for me in the winter months. I have gotten better over the years mostly because I am ridding myself of the fears that reside within. Fear can be a very controlling beast. Much of my life over the past decade and a half has been controlled by fear. Most of this fear came out of the fall of '93. Not something I'm ready to openly discuss but it controlled a good portion of my life until I decided I need to take control of my own destiny and future back. Thus the journey to fix me began. For the most part I have done a very good job of that I believe. I am more confident than I have ever been in my life and I am doing things I never would have dreamed of in a million years just a few short years ago. The fears are still there somewhat, but I believe they have been beaten down to a small voice in the back of my mind. Today was a big example of that to me. You may not see it as much but on a day when the roads are an icy mess from hell and walking from my car into multiple places across ice covered walks doesn't even make me grab for my medication or even raise my blood pressure I would say I've come a long way. As a matter of fact as I was finally driving home I realized I hadn't stressed at all about the roads even once the entire five hour trip out today. It made me stop and grin and realize that you really can do anything you set your mind to in life if you try. For me it's conquering the fear within and taking my life back.

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