Why I'm here....

Since I've always been quick with an opinion an old friend once lost and again found suggested that perhaps I should share with more people my commentary. Never being one to pass on a challenge I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Human Nature and Second Chances...

There are few things in this life that can't be forgiven, or should I say that shouldn't be forgiven. Yet we have to remind ourselves that forgiving someone for something doesn't erase the memory of whatever it was. When we have someone in our life worth hanging onto though we have to go that extra mile to get past the issues that arise; however, if we can't forget and forgive sometimes it's doomed from day one. I've been the one who was hurt before and I've been the one who hurt someone. Neither side is pretty most often. I've made big mistakes in my life. I've been cruel. I've hurt people, sometimes intentionally out of some deep seeded misguided hurt or anger. I've regretted it. I've explained my position and apologized. A few times to get told to go to hell. A few times to get forgiven and given a second chance. A second chance I guarantee you I never let the person down who forgives me. You see I'm human and we as humans make mistakes. The trick is to learn from our mistake. To go forward and prove yourself if you regret your mistake. I've also forgiven people who've hurt me. I've given them second chances, sometimes third chances. Very rarely have I walked away on someones drawing first blood, first time. I do know though that once you do forgive you have to move on. You have to let it go and not dwell on it. You have to not bring it up again. It's a life lesson. What is the old saying though? Once bitten, twice shy. It's not an easy road or an easy journey. Some will forgive you, some won't. But if you've tried and spoke your mind and meant it honestly... then you've done all you can. From there you just have to remember your good times, let go of the bad and move on. Nothing else you can do and from my experience human nature doesn't give us many second chances.

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