Why I'm here....

Since I've always been quick with an opinion an old friend once lost and again found suggested that perhaps I should share with more people my commentary. Never being one to pass on a challenge I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


It's no secret that me and technology are not friends. My friends that are into it though keep dragging and pulling me by the hair to get me caught up. I guess I'm just not overly fond of it. I mean I am one of those people, that although I have gotten use to my cellphone I dream of days gone by when you could actually escape away from everyone to places where you could not be reached. Remember going on vacation and not talking to friends and family while gone? Not to mention that I think a great romantic get away would be to go off to a cabin together with no cellphones, no televisions, no computers. Wow! I know I'm going crazy here aren't I? I just think that sometimes technology goes a little over board. I mean when you're sitting at a table with someone and you're texting them rather than talk to them there is a big problem if you ask me. Now, I have to admit to having done it if I wanted to say something private, but our kids are doing it just because it's how they communicate, so what is the harm? They are forgetting how to communicate face to face. I actually heard a radio spoof about a man whose daughter brought him his cell phone (local DJ) then went back up stairs to her room and text him the question of when dinner would be. Couldn't she have just walked down and asked him? So I finally entered into the WEB CAM game. I bought one, a cheap one to start. I didn't want to invest a lot of money until I found out if I liked it. So the verdict is I like it. It's kind of fun to be able to see the person you're talking to and have them see you, but it does have it's draw backs too. It has definitely added another layer to the online dating thing. I mean this way you can ask them if they have a cam and you can offer yours and you can see before you meet what they actually look like. What a concept. Yes the pictures on this post were taken with the web cam. The one that is blurry was my first attempt. I am getting better. So what are your opinions of modern technology? What about WEB Cam's? Do you own one? Would you want one? What ways do you think they are good or not good?


ida said...

you look fantastic.

yes, i own one it came with the laptop. and i cover it up. see these laptops like any computer can be hacked into. and i fail to keep my computer as protected as i should. i dont shop on it so i really dont feel the need. but, i love my privacy so i dont use the camera. now if my daughter is using skype on it then she removed the covering on it and puts it back when she is done. trust me that dont happen alot. and i'm against web camming with strangers. its a stranger danger kind of thing.

but, a web cam can be useful if used in a honest good way. like talking to your family, etc. and of course covering it up when not in use or disconnecting it to keep your privacy.

there was a school that gave out laptops to the students and they used the sound and webcams to "find out where the lost laptops were". the problem was not all those laptops were lost. some of it was just spying. i think it happen out east a few years ago.

Sheila said...

I simply unplug mine when not in use.. then I don't have to worry about it being hacked...