Why I'm here....

Since I've always been quick with an opinion an old friend once lost and again found suggested that perhaps I should share with more people my commentary. Never being one to pass on a challenge I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

God’s Not Dead!

If you have not watched the series of movies, “God’s No Dead”, you really don’t know what you’re missing. They are moving and compelling and they really do get to the heart of what is going on in the world we live in today. They are also based on true stories of things that have happened.

The first one follows a student who refuses to be bullied into writing God is dead on a piece of paper and turning it into a philosophy professor. This is the actual case that started the whole movie series. In the class the professor says we might as well dispatch with this fallacy upfront and then we don’t have to waste the whole semester with that portion of the debate. One student in the whole class refused to compromise his belief in God to satisfy this teacher and pass his class. The admiration I have for this student as I watched this was inspiring. To see how many were just so willing to sign that paper and go on. As Christians we need to stand up for our faith and for God. It’s what we are called to do.

In the second one a history teacher answers a history question. Yes Jesus is history. (His life is a historical fact whether a person chooses to believe He was the Messiah or not.) The history question asked by the student to the teacher was comparing the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of Gandhi. The teacher did nothing wrong in answering the question and only answered the question as it pertained to history but then she is put on trial for saying the name of Jesus in class. This also is another tale of a person who stood up for her faith and refused to be bullied by threat of loss of job into stating something she did not believe or taking a plea to get it over with. 

In the third one there is a priest who is being told he move his church off the university campus where it has resided for decades after it burns down. This one follows how it burned down, the discourse of family and the fight to do what is right with the desire of human nature. It also shows that even someone of great faith can have a moment of weakness. 

The fourth one takes on home schooling and the governments attempt to tell them that they can not teach religion and give them a curriculum they must follow. It delves into the rights of the government to not only tell us how to raise our children but what we can and can not teach them. In this they were following the regular school curriculum along with a religious class with a group of neighborhood children all of the same religious faith. This one delves into civil rights and shows how there is no truth to how people believe in the separation of church and state the way people quote it verses how it was actually written. There is actually nothing in the constitution that states this. It was addressed in a letter from Thomas Jefferson where he is explaining that the constitution is there to ensure that government does not restrict the way a person practices their faith. 

I could watch these movies over and over. They give me strength and they put a smile on my face. I would highly recommend that you watch them regardless of your religious belief’s. The movies tackle the very things that are going on in our society today and as you watch them it becomes very apparent that we should be scared of the way our world is moving. The united states alone has moved from a position of great light to looming darkness in just the past year.

God is good all the time and all the time God is good!

God’s Not Dead!

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