Why I'm here....

Since I've always been quick with an opinion an old friend once lost and again found suggested that perhaps I should share with more people my commentary. Never being one to pass on a challenge I thought I'd give it a whirl.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

----------------------Bee's Be Gone.-----------------

OK.. so tonight didn't exactly go as I planned. While unloading my dryer this evening I noticed a bee (yellow jacket to be exact) flying around my ceiling light in my bathroom. Now I have a strict policy never to kill anything (other than mosquito's) intentionally if I do not have to. So I went out of my bathroom and got a cup and a piece of cardboard to catch the bee to put it outside.

When I came back to my surprise there were three of them at my light and then I looked and there were five. This was just odd but I knew I'd never catch them all without getting stung so I started killing them even though I really didn't want to. I flushed them and looked and there were five more and these bees seemed angry. I killed several more, flushed and went on with this pattern several times. One flew in my hair. I freaked out like any red blooded American girl would do. I went out of the bathroom and closed the door to keep them in and also did something else any girl would do, went next door and got my daddy. He killed dozens of them but they just kept coming. Finally we found where they were coming from. The little buggers had burrowed a hole in my bathroom ceiling on the very edge. It was so small it was practically impossible to see. So my dad went outside and found the nest under the over-hang on my bathroom. I on the other hand took some cardboard and tape and taped over the whole until I can get it fixed and killed the remaining bees that were in my bathroom. This little endeavor took two hours believe it or not. All in all though my dad got stung once and I got stung once. Didn't hurt for long though thanks to something my mother told me. I took a bar of IVORY soap, dry not wet and rubbed over the sting. It took the sting right out of it and it didn't swell. You can also hold a penny against them too. That works for me also, but since I was in the bathroom the soap was right there. Hopefully the bees are gone for now.


Anonymous said...

Good be sting advice!

Anonymous said...

I would have freaked out with all those bees. Does a penny really work?

Anonymous said...

Yes a penny works, just hold it against the sting for a minute or so. The copper takes the sting and helps draw out the poison.